He’s more concerned to determine the question from the character of vegetative life, and from this nature constructed by himself he concludes that the organs of plants are of no use in any respect, that they cannot even tend to be of use to each other and to propagate life together, because this one end of their motion is usually a residing one only where all the elements are current at the same time, which of course disposes of the fertilising impact of the pollen ; accordingly he does not refer the effect of a male plant on a neighbouring female plant, which results within the formation of seeds, to pollination by the previous, but it is the proximity itself which has the fertilising effect. Amici was the first who openly opposed the new doctrine; earlier than the Italian congress of savants at Padua in 1842 he endeavoured to prove that the embryo is not formed at the end of the pollen-tube, however from a portion of the ovule which was already in existence before fertilisation, and that this half is fertilised by, the fluid contained in the pollen-tube.
State Senator Randy Baumgardner (R) has been accused of sexual harassment by a legislative aide who said he repeatedly grabbed or slapped her buttocks. It was Nov. 9, 2011, shortly earlier than 9 p.m., and the throng awaited the decision of the Pennsylvania State University board of trustees. A One 1⁄2×8×14 board floor. But now Amici addressed himself extra earnestly to the question, and in 1830 he not only adopted the pollen-tubes into the ovary, but additionally noticed that one finds its approach into the micropyle of every ovule. Robert Brown showed in 1831 and 1833 that the grains in the pollen-masses of Orchids and Asclepiads put forth pollen-tubes as in other plants, and that fantastic tubes are found in the ovary of Orchids in which pollination has taken place; but he was in doubt about the connection of these tubes with the pollen-grains, and somewhat inclined to suppose that they have been formed within the ovary, though possibly in consequence of the pollination of the stigma. The want of perseverance in following out his remark and a prepossession in favour of Needham’s previous theory prevented him from discovering the course of the pollen-tubes all the strategy to the ovules ; he supposed, indeed, that after penetrating into the stigma they open and discharge their granular contents, and he maintained distinctly that these are analogous to the spermatozoids in animals, and are the active a part of the pollen.
The phenomena connected with the unfolding and fertilisation of the flower are described from the author’s personal observations, some of that are quite new; it specially investigates the relations between the calyx, the corolla, the secretion of nectar and the opening of the anthers, additionally the temperature of flowers and the physiological processes in the ovary, the model and the stigma; all that was then known of irritability and the phenomena of motion within the flower and in the organs of fructification was collected collectively and elucidated by fresh observations, and thus an image was drawn complete to the smallest detail of the life of a flower, similar to we do not yet possess of another organ. This Gärtner fully didn’t do, and therefore in this case also it was reserved for Darwin’s great talent for combination to sum up the product of the investigations of 100 years, and to mix Koelreuter’s, Knight’s, Herbert’s, and Gärtner’s results with Sprengel’s concept of flowers into a living entire in such a manner, that now all of the physiological arrangements in the flower have grow to be intelligible each in their relations to fertilisation, and of their dependence on the pure situations beneath which pollination takes place without the aid of man.
Schacht adhered all of the extra firmly to Schleiden’s concept; after additional controversy, during which different writers of less authority took part, Radlkofer published in 1856 a complete assessment of the query, which absolutely confirmed Hofmeister’s observations, and gave by the way an account of Schleiden’s views in the altered form which they’d by that time assumed; this account confirmed in indisputable fact that Schleiden had fully retracted his former opinions, and on this retracta tion Schacht was quickly after compelled to comply with him, having grow to be acquainted with info observed in the ovule of Gladiolus, which have been clearly irreconcilable with Schleiden’s idea. The Berlin Academy of science had provided in 1819 at Link’s suggestion a prize for an essay on the question, whether there may be such a thing as hybrid fertilisation in the vegetable kingdom, in the hope of stimulating botanists to new investigations into the decisive factors in the sexual principle. Thus a vehement controversy arose on the subject; a prize provided by the Institute of the Netherlands at Amsterdam was awarded to an essay of Schacht’s in 1850, which defended Schleiden’s idea, and illustrated it by a great number of drawings giving incorrect and certainly inconceivable representations of the decisive points.